Thursday, September 13, 2012

2012 Presidential Election

In less than two months, Americans will be lining up to vote in the 2012 presidential election. The presidential conventions were aired a couple of weeks ago and people are finalizing their thoughts on who they plan to vote for. Is our current president Barack Obama going to be re-elected? or is Romney going to win America's vote? Do you think it is important to vote? Here are some comments from various College of Charleston students and employees.

Name: Molly
College of Charleston Advisor/Internships
Hometown: Pittsburg, PA

 "It is important and a privilege to exercise our right to vote."

Name: Jamie
Major: Political Science

"I don't like Obama's plan of foreign policy so I am voting for Romney this election"                                                                                                  
Name: Michelle
Occupation: Custodian
Hometown: Charleston, SC

"If we don't vote, our children will suffer and we need change in issues not just for poor people but for all people."

 Name: Kelsey
Age: 18
Major: Marine Biology
Hometown: Delaware

"It's important to voice you own opinion", Kelsey says when asked about why it is important to vote. She also expressed that her home state of Delaware was not as excited in the election as South Carolina is. Although she did not follow any of the political conventions, she is concerned about the welfare issues. She sees somewhat of a change since our current president Barack Obama has been in office. Because of this, she plans to re-elect him as president.

Name: Harvey
Age: 19
Major: English
Hometown: Columbia, SC

"Yes, I will be voting in the upcoming election because of two reasons: A) exercising our constitutional right to vote and B) to have a voice. Conservatism is not good right now. We need to take chances and push the envelope for faster solutions".

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